Tuesday 19 February 2013

zusammen ist man weniger allein ((O;

Inspired by Paula´s blog-post from the 11.2....I´ve been getting down to work with a little help from my feathered friend...Bert ((O;


  1. Just saw this Fione - http://www.goethe.de/kue/tut/tre/en9956967.htm
    also I wonder if the Goethe Institute would be interested in your work?



    Thinking about the advocacy issue - how do other authors in your field negotiate this? Is it like arts criticism?

  2. I wash I could put images up here - yours is a hopeful note and great to see - is that a real animal?

  3. Hey Paula!!
    Thanx for your comments!! I used to hang out in the Goethe Institute in London, when I was living there....I will check your links in a second...thank you so much for posting them!

    Maybe it´s a German thing. If you listen to the members of parliament in the Bundestag discussing issues, they often start by seemingly insulting the opposition. (although "today in parliament" is also not much better). My lit. research made it clear to me, that the subject of transition in Germany was actually prompted by a question asked by the Bundestag. (Drucksache 14/6693- Ausbildung, Umschulung und soziale Absicherung von Tänzerinnen und Tänzern http://dipbt.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/14/066/1406693.pdf)
    Maybe it´s a German thing to prompt growth in others by first criticising them? Having read a lot lately, makes me believe that.

    The little birdie doing my homework is Bert, who has been living with me since 2007- a super little animal, but then- don´t we all say that about our pets??!!
    He is indeed quite real- judging by the necessity to mop my desk after he flew away ((O;

  4. Hey Fiona
    send me a SKYPE request so we can do the conversation thing. Mt address is in the handbook.

    1. Dear Adesola, maybe it´s the late hour, but I cannot find your Skype name in the handbook to save my life...can you just add me, please? ("fionedarby")
