Tuesday 17 April 2012

ballet meets design


hey...this made me think about the BAPP program, where dancers are researching side-by-side to a group of talented young designers and learning from each other....hope you are all doing well

Thursday 12 April 2012

thick as a brick !!!

...much to my surprise...it came to me, as I was blow-drying my hair. Although I must admit to having had an inspiring conversation over the breakfast table shortly before I can advise anyone as stuck as I was to go by every day life and wait for the genie to come out of...um...the hairdryer (I´m thinking Hoover might work as well).
So my topic and what my research will be based on is "Transition in Dance".
Transition of dancers from their dance career to a non-dance life. I would briefly like to illuminate historical points with August Bournonville being the first to support his dancers to find another career upon leaving the stage. Another aspect I will be dipping into is the social habitus of dancers and the psychological impact the end of a career has. In my research would like to question dancers about their current view on their life after their career and former dancers on how they perceived and what they experienced in their transition time.
One thing that really motivates me, is that I feel that I am coming to the end of my dance- career and it´s a subject us dancers are all concerned with. Another thing is that whilst in the UK dance transition is already well established in Germany the first dance transition foundation was founded in 2010!!!

So this is just a quick overview...what do you guys think??? Do you think I have found what I was looking for...