Tuesday, 6 March 2012

this little world has quite captivated us your joys and sorrows have refreshed and touched us

...sitting in the extremely crowded reading-room of Wiesbaden´s State Library (yes, education is a "thing to do" these days) I take a look out of my little soyuz-capsule, which lately took a detour past planet "Romeo and Juliet" premiere...now that I am managing to bring my little rocket back in to it´s proposed orbit I am finding the right brainwaves in order to compose the next blog.
A lot of thinking and some discussions have been going on about the award title I would like to propose for myself. Something that has been following me my entire dance-career (also in school days) is that of social structures of dance-companies (hierarchy) and in theaters and social backgrounds of dancers. I enjoy looking at the consumers of the art we produce, having had many discussions with friends I have introduced to dance or the theatre full stop about how dance and the theatre can be made more accessible and "a la mode" again.
I am also reading an extremely inspiring book on the history of ballet "Apollo´s Angels" by J. Homans. Who knew, that the classical corps de ballet actually sprung from the French Revolution? Or that the figures still practiced today in classical ballet class are representations of how people thought the planets moved in the 16th century??
Thus this book is opening my eyes once again to how much the creation of art is linked to the time it springs from.
In my own mind I have often drawn links between the origins of a choreographer, the time he or she created in and the nature of his or her works.

Coming from this the title I would like to propose for myself is 

BA (Hons) in professional practice in dance sociology/ philosophy.

Another thought has been to translate the German "Tanzwissenschaften" (a BA uni subject here, thus making it a

BA (Hons) in professional practice in dance science.

What do you guys think of my ideas??
Is my rocket spinning out of control?Do we have to call Houston?? Are these also questions you have asked yourself at some stage or would like to know more about??

I am always thankful for honest answers and feedback!!

Feeling a little like Laika the dog...


  1. Hi Fione, you posted on my blog that I maybe have to think about my future career and how my Award Title will fit to this. So, what do you have in mind? What are your plans and how can your Award Title "support" you to reach this goal?

  2. Hi Fione,
    Your ideas sounds very interesting. I really like both of your titles, you need to think about which one you specifically want to research as they both represent slightly different things. What would you be looking at with dance science? What do you mean by this?
    I would be very interested in what you find out about dance sociology and philosophy as I wanted to look at this aspect as well, however there were many other things I wanted to find out so my inquiry steered away from this.
    Emily ☺

  3. hey Fione
    do you think there is a generic social structure that operates within all dance companies or are you basing the point on a specific genre i.e contemporary? I thought this was an interesting point you made.

  4. You may need to look at your inquiry focus for a final title?
