Thursday, 6 October 2011

no title for now

a little movie on how I´ve been feeling lately...trying to get started...

No posts...nothing happening here so far.
Well...I think I´m one of the last ones to join on the program. I´ve never written a blog before, I realize, that I feel quite scared of the internet (I really don´t want to become a transparent citizen), but I feel, the more I know about the web, the more I feel like giving it a try. I´ve started reading some "Theories about the Internet" by Martin Warnke- a very interesting book. I did not know for example that the web was originally commissioned by the US Military so science could advance at a faster pace in the 1970s.
Here´s a little quote by Eric Schmidt, that has been stuck in my head for quite a while-

The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.
Eric Schmidt 

So let´s embark on this journey...and see, where it takes me.

Enjoy the movie by the way...our pianist told me about it and I felt it really hits a nail on the head!


  1. Hi Fione
    You have started your journey! My thoughts; I have similar feelings about becoming transparent, don't really like the idea but I am a good person with good intentions and integrity and am not scarred to show who I am. Don't be afraid. We have big brother all around us and difficult to avoid, passports, credit card etc...But we are all managing to get through this life! An interesting quote by Eric Schmidt. We are still evolving, still learning and changing our minds and concepts to fit the current times and situations. When we think we have an answer or an understaning the goal posts change. Off we go again.. Best wishes.

  2. Dear Corinda!
    I was terribly excited to read your comment, thank you!!
    It´s very true what you say about already being transparent anyway. I was listening to the radio the other day and some guy said about Google putting up specific adds that would interest him, that that is actually a positive thing, because that way he is also not bothered with some things that he really does not like...I´m not scared to show, who I am- I rather like the notion of being able to present whom I want other people to see and to know on the internet. Everyone can untag themselves from a picture they feel ugly on in facebook...the picture still exists, but I no longer have to identify myself with it. Then by putting up more photos I feel comfortable with I can steer, how people see me. (I love analyzing my own online behavior but also that of friends I know well personally)
    Another thing I am realizing is that I have a head full of ideas and this seems to be a good vent...a bit like that constant internal chatter O´Reilly was going on about...
    So let us take our suitcases and continue to travel along the vast and sometimes daunting roads the web seems to offer us!! ((O;
